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PRODUCTS Products Virtual domain account
Virtual domain account
- Order form
Domain check
Email server account
- Order form
Secure servers
- SSL level 1
- SSL level 2
Reseller information

The following show the main features of the Virtual domain account :-

  • Your personal IP address for a domain e.g. 'www.yourcompany.com'
  • Full primary and secondary DNS service and maintenance
  • MS Frontpage Support
  • 5 E-mail account (POP3)
  • 100 Mb of hard disk space
  • Web page access (html)
  • File transfer by 'anonymous ftp'
  • Use of mail distribution lists
  • Remote administration login shell access (via telnet)
  • Usage of on-line databases using MySQL / phpMyAdmin
  • Use of PHP for easy cgi scripting
  • Complete system logging of all network traffic
  • Support for help on all server related issues
  • Option of Secure Server (SSL)

A Virtual Domain account will enable your organisation to have a full Internet address ('URL') to be something similar to 'http://www.yourcompany.co.uk'. Please note that with the ever changing advances in Internet technology, our server utilities are constantly being updated. If there are any services which you specifically require then please do not hesitate to contact us at info@NetCulture.net


Service Set-up Price
Full Virtual Domain Account € 26.70 € 36.30 per month
Full Virtual Domain Account
including Secure Server (SSL) Level 1
€ 26.70 € 66.00 per month
Full Virtual Domain Account
including Secure Server (SSL) Level 2
€ 53.40 € 85.10 per month

'Reseller' Virtual Domain Account

€ 26.70

€ 19.80 per month
'Reseller' Virtual Domain Account
including Secure Server (SSL) Level 1
€ 26.70 € 35.80 per month
'Reseller' Virtual Domain Account
including Secure Server (SSL) Level 2
€ 53.40 € 46.50 per month

Additional 20Mb hard disk space Free € 3.80 per month
Additional E-Mail (POP3), 'telnet' or 'ftp' accounts Free € 3.80 per 3 months
Modification of domain name (dns) € 26.70 Free
Additional domain name directed to same server Free € 3.80 per month
Graphical web log file analysis Free € 3.80 per month
Domain registration .com, .net, .org € 106.70 N/A
Domain registration for .fr € 106.70 N/A

We accept Visa and Mastercard, cheques or direct debit (French accounts only), once your order is received the account will be 'on-line' the same working day. To order, check your chosen domain name then print out a copy of the Virtual Domain application form. Complete the form and then fax it through to NetCulture on +33 (0)1 4035 3194. Please note that account applications can not be accepted by electronic mail.

Virtual Account Benefits

Remember that each account includes the following as standard :-
  • Unlimited Data Transfer Rates
  • The NetCulture data transfer speed commitment
  • Full access to our wealth of server utilities
In addition to the above please note the following :-

  • Your organisation is given the appearance to having a full blown Internet server and thus a more professional approach to it's information technology needs.
  • Promotion of your companies web provision and e-mail addresses can then be exploited. This can be done by indicating your web address on your letter headed paper, through to showing e-mail addresses on business cards.

It should also be noted that once your organisation has registered its domain name, this is then permanent. Should you decide to move to a different system on the Internet, the address is kept and is simply redirected to the new server. Registration of domain names can be done either from the InterNIC in the United States, or through more local registries in other countries, a full list can be found here.

When we create your account on the NetCulture network, we allocate you one of our many reserved IP numbers, for example Registering your domain name to connect to this address allows you to then be contacted by a more user-friendly address e.g. 'www.yourcompany.co.uk'.

Click here for further information on domain names, how they are structured and how the Internet treats them.

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